We’ve made it easier than ever to start earning $SWEAT crypto through the Sweatcoin app! If you’re looking to activate or deactivate this feature, follow these simple steps.
How do I opt into earning $SWEAT crypto?
1. Open the Sweatcoin app on your device.
2. Go to Settings (tap the profile icon or navigate from the main menu).
3. Scroll down to the Earn $SWEAT section.
4. Toggle the crypto option ON to begin earning $SWEAT.
If you’ve never onboarded before, you’ll be guided through a quick setup flow to start earning.
You will need to download the Sweat Wallet app.
If you’ve previously opted in, you’re all set—just keep walking to start collecting crypto!
How do I opt out of earning $SWEAT crypto?
1. Navigate to the Earn $SWEAT section in your settings (following the steps above).
2. Simply toggle the option OFF to stop earning $SWEAT.
You can always re-enable it by toggling it back on whenever you’re ready.
Can I still earn sweatcoins without opting into $SWEAT?
Yes! Even if you decide not to opt into earning $SWEAT crypto, you can continue earning regular sweatcoins for your steps just as you always have.
When will the crypto earnings start?
Once you've opted in by toggling on Earn $SWEAT, your steps will start earning $SWEAT crypto right away. You mint $SWEAT between 3,000 and 10,000 steps. If you want to increase that limit, Premium subscribers can min $SWEAT up to 20,000 steps !